Mission Statement Making a difference in our community through Christian outreach in a fun and safe environment.

Purpose Statement Our primary purpose is to expand the knowledge of Christ among youth by setting a positive example and providing a safe place for recreation.

Vision Statement To be Washington's premier skatepark and recreational facility by providing each guest with a variety of activities in a friendly, affordable, Christian environment.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bible Session Notes from July 30, 2012

We watched a short video called "Karpos" which was a bonus video on the "Foolishness" DVD.

Main points from the video...
We are saved by grace not by works.
Faith without works is dead - meaning that if you are claiming to have faith in Christ and your faith is alive, you will be doing good things within God's will.
By the fruit you display, people will know what/who you are.

Monday, July 30, 2012

This Week at MAD Skates & Rec

This Week:
Monday Skate & Rec Night 6:00-8:30. Pizza tonight!
Thursday basketball 3:30-4:30.

Monday, July 23, 2012

This Week At MAD Skates & Rec Center

Tonight - 6:30 - 8:30pm - Skate & Rec Night
Wednesday - 4:30 - 5:30pm - Pizza at Uncle Pete's
Thursday - 3:30 - 4:30pm - Jr./Sr. High and Adult Basketball Open Gym

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Christian Suicide Prevention

This link has been added to our blog under Merch, Music, Ministry and More.  If you or anyone you know needs a suicide prevention hotline or just someone to talk to about the rough road you're on, go to http://www.christiansuicideprevention.com/.

7-16-12 Bible Session Notes

These are the notes I took from Monday Night's Jr/Sr High Bible Session led by Jeremy Drew:

Exodus starting in Chapter 7 vs. 8
  • The beginning of the exodus from Egypt.
  • Aaron throws his staff down; it becomes a snake.  Pharaoh's sorcerers and wise men are able to duplicate that, but then Aaron's snake eats the Pharaoh's snakes. 
  • Plagues begin: blood, frogs, gnats, flies, death of livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, death of the firstborn which takes Pharaoh's son.
  • Why didn't God just tell Pharaoh "You are going to do this!" and then it happens?  We may never have an answer to this question, but think about it.
  • Some things to remember...
                      Aaron and Moses kept having to go back to Pharaoh and ask him to let the people go, but Pharaoh kept  making it worse and worse for the Israelites.
                      Each plague shows God's immense power.  It reminds us that He can do anything!
                      Persistence and knowing God's plan pays off.

Questions asked:
What is your favorite plague?
Do you think God would use this technique again?
What do you think of countries with massive earthquakes and droughts?
Do you think God uses natural disasters to prove he is really God?
What about the plagues in Egypt?

Monday, July 16, 2012

This Week At MAD Skates & Rec

Monday - Skate & Rec Night - 6:00pm - cupcakes, dinner by the Jones family, message by Jeremy and Melody.

Thursday - Jr High/Sr High/Adult Basketball - 3:30-4:30

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My notes from Bible Session Monday - July 9th - WORK


1.    The word “work” is defined as

1.1.  Exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something

1.2.  A task or undertaking

1.3.  Productive or operative activity

1.4.  Employment especially as a means of earning ones livelihood

2.    Now we’re going to do a little “work” or “workout”

2.1.  Everyone get into the “plank” position and hold it for as long as you can

2.2.  And the winner is?  John  (3 Laffy Taffy given to the winner)

3.    America today seems to have developed a money for nothing mentality.  The work ethic I see in many young people makes me wonder what this county will look like in 10-20 years.  What I see and hear from teenagers is that they don’t want to work hard, but they want all the benefits of having worked hard.  What this says to me is “I will NOT be hiring you any time soon.” If you want to get a good job, move up in that job, and hopefully get into something you’ll enjoy doing, work the way the Bible says to work.  Let’s see what the Bible does say about work.

4.    The word “work” including workmanship, works, worker, working and workman is listed 25 times in the concordance of my Bible.

5.    Time to look at 6 of these instances

5.1.  Ecclesiastes 5:19 – enjoying your work is a gift from God

5.2.  Colossians 3:23 – work as if working for the Lord not men

5.3.  I Thessalonians 5:12 – respect those who work hard among you

5.4.  II Thessalonians 3:10 – no work = no eating

5.5.  Luke 10:7 – the worker deserves his wages

5.6.  I Timothy 5:18 – again… the worker deserves his wages

6.    Let’s do the plank challenge again.  This time keep in mind these 5 points…

6.1.  Enjoying your work is a gift from God

6.2.  Work as if you are working for God

6.3.  Respect those working hard around you – for this game, this means no making fun of each other, no harassing, no name calling

6.4.  If you don’t work, you don’t eat

6.5.  A worker deserves his wages

7.    And the winner is?  John (First person out got 1 Laffy Taffy, 2nd got 2, and so on.  Winner got Laffy Taffy and a chance in the mystery box.)

8.    The next time someone asks you to help them whether you are getting paid or not, try to keep these Biblical principles about work in your mind. 

9.    End in prayer.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Basketball Open Gym Starting Thursday

Basketball Open Gym


Jr. High, Sr. High, Adult

Thursdays 3:30-4:30pm Starting this Thursday, July 12th

Bring 2 shirts: 1 black or dark and 1 white

Must sign a waiver for first time participants.  All regular MAD Skates attendees are automatically covered under the Monday Night waiver.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012



The World Concern 5k Mud Run is a fun, easy way to do something good! You’ll not only have fun slogging through the mud with your friends, but you’ll also help provide clean water for people in some of the hardest places in the world. Through water wells and rain water catchment systems that can serve entire communities, every $15 raised provides sustainable clean water for one person.


5k Mud Run, plus water slide, giant blob, kids run, T-shirt and BBQ lunch included!
When: Saturday July 21, 2012 (Check in 9:30 a.m., race starts at 11:00 a.m.)

Sign up by July 15th for the discounted pricing.
Register with our team - M.A.D.
Team Goal - Get our entire team through the 5k.
If you want to attend to cheer on your runner or just enjoy the festitivites, it is free.  It is $7 if you want to share in the BBQ lunch.
Who is doing the event so far?  Brett, Jason (Brett's husband), Bev (Jason's mom), Paula (Jason's aunt), Karen (Brett's mom)
Who is coming to cheer?  Isaac (Brett's son), Russ (Brett's dad), Wes, (Jason's dad)


Slaying Giants - 7-2-12

I realized recently that I haven't posted any of our lessons lately, so here is the lesson the 12+ group got last night.  It is adapted from a recent devotional I read.  For our guys, I included at the end a game where they tried to hit a target using an old style slingshot and a tootsieroll instead of a stone.  The idea was for them to see what it might have like to learn to use a slingshot like that and be accurate enough to high Goliath in the forehead.

The lesson notes...

Slaying Giants

Giants.  We must face them, but we don’t have to face them alone.  We need to focus first and most on God. 

Read 1 Samuel 17

The Enemy:
·         David did not focus on the enemy.
·         In I Samuel 17 he only makes 3 comments amount Goliath. 

o    One comment to Saul about Goliath – this uncircumcised Philistine will be like the bear and lion that I killed while protecting sheep (v. 36).

o    One comment to the men standing near him at the battle front - Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God? (v. 26)

o    One comment to Goliath – you come against me with sword and spear and javelin, today I will kill you  (v. 45-47)
·         He did not ask about Goliath’s age, skill, social standing, IQ, tactics.
·         He did not ask about the weight of the spear, the size of the shield, or why Goliath is the only one standing there to fight on behalf of the Philistines.

·         David focuses on God.
·         He speaks about the “the living God” (vs. 26 and 36)
·         He calls him the “Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel” (vs. 45)
·         He proclaims what God will do.  “This day the Lord will hand you over to me.” (v. 46)
·         He states why God is going to do this. “the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel” (v. 46)
·         He says how God is going to win. “for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands” (v. 47)

Instead of focusing on his enemy or his “giant problem,” he focuses on God and God’s solution to that problem.

When you are facing a “giant problem” do you think about God or your problem?

Do you ponder God’s grace more than your ponder your guilt?

Is your list of blessings longer than your list of complaints?

Is your mind full of hope or it is full of worry?

Are you more likely to describe the strength of God as you are to describe the demands of your day?

Lift your eyes to God.  You are a giant slayer. The God who made a miracle out of David, a boy with a sling and a stone, stands ready to make one out of you.

Focus on giants—you stumble.                                              Focus on God—your giants tumble.