Mission Statement Making a difference in our community through Christian outreach in a fun and safe environment.

Purpose Statement Our primary purpose is to expand the knowledge of Christ among youth by setting a positive example and providing a safe place for recreation.

Vision Statement To be Washington's premier skatepark and recreational facility by providing each guest with a variety of activities in a friendly, affordable, Christian environment.

Monday, April 29, 2013

What do You Want Your Life to Look Like?

What do You Want Your Life to Look Like?
Lesson by Brett Spore

What do you want your life to look like in 3 months?  Are you making a plan to get there?
The next three months for most of you looks a little like this:

May – School full time
June – School is out roughly June 20th
July – Summer full time

So, what are you going to do with the next three months?  What do you want your life to look like?  Tonight we’re going to take a look at seeking God’s direction in your lives and living wisely by looking at several pieces of scripture.  We’ll read through each scripture and then discuss it.

I Kings 3:1-14 – Solomon asks for wisdom.
Proverbs 2:1-6 – The Lord gives wisdom, knowledge and understanding.
Romans 12:1-3 – Don’t conform to this world.  Renew your mind.  Know God’s will.

Ephesians 5:15-17 – Live wisely.  Understand the Lord’s will.

Colossians 1:9-14 – Ask God to fill you and others with wisdom and understanding.

James 1:5-8 – If you lack wisdom, ask God.
Write out what you want your life to look like in 3 months.  Ask God to show you what he wants for you.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Bible Sessions - Yes We've Been Doing Them

So, for some reason I have totally sketched on posting the Bible Sessions for the past few weeks.  I'm going to briefly sumerize what we've been doing, and hopefully that will help keep you up to date.

Here is what we've been doing in the 12+ age group.  From May 25 - April 8th, we have been looking at various topics and scriptures and discussing them.  I present a short thought, and then we get right into the Word and discussion. The teens seem to enjoy this style, so we're sticking with it for awhile.

If you don't have a Bible, there are tons of phone apps and online resources you can use.  Online I really enjoy BlueLetterBible.com.  For an App, I like YouVersion.

3/25/13 Am I My Brother's Keeper
Today there seems to be this "live and let live" mentality with an over abundance of tolerance without question.  My challenge to you today is to look at life from a slightly different perspective. 

Gen 4:1b-13 (read aloud) - God obviously felt that in some ways Cain was his brother's keeper and that we are to be looking out for each other. (Discussed)

I John 3:11-15 (read aloud) - This passage reminds us of the story of Cain and Abel and calls us all to a life of love. (Discussed)

Matt 7:1-2 (read aloud) - Do not judge or you will be judged. (Discussed)

4/1/13 God's Promise of Excellence

At the Action Sports Conference one of the speakers talked about excellence. He said if you are going to do something for God, do it with excellence. Don't do something halfway. Don't copy what someone else is doing. Do what God has called you to do with excellence.

At the same time, do not sacrifice other commands of God in order to pursue excellence. Ex. Let's say God has called you to become a professional skate videographer. As you pursue being the best skate videographer don't dabble with the sex, drugs, and alcohol in the skate world. That may seem obvious, but what about taking shortcuts that may be a little bit in the gray area? What about going into debt? What about dating that non-Christian girl who happens to be the producer's daughter who might get you where you want to go in the industry?

What are your current or future dreams for excellence in your life?

Let's look at some Bible verses regarding excellence and discuss how these verses can be seen and played out in your life. We'll also discuss what your job is in each verse.

Joshua 1:7

Proverbs 16:3

Matthew 20:26-28

John 14:12

John 15:15-16 (Discuss. Then read vs. 17 and discuss some more.)

2 Corinthians 3:2-6 (Discuss where does our confidence come from.)

4/1/13 God's Promise of Excellence

At the Action Sports Conference one of the speakers talked about excellence. He said if you are going to do something for God, do it with excellence. Don't do something halfway. Don't copy what someone else is doing. Do what God has called you to do with excellence.

At the same time, do not sacrifice other commands of God in order to pursue excellence. Ex. Let's say God has called you to become a professional skate videographer. As you pursue being the best skate videographer don't dabble with the sex, drugs, and alcohol in the skate world. That may seem obvious, but what about taking shortcuts that may be a little bit in the gray area? What about going into debt? What about dating that non-Christian girl who happens to be the producer's daughter who might get you where you want to go in the industry?

What are your current or future dreams for excellence in your life?

Let's look at some Bible verses regarding excellence and discuss how these verses can be seen and played out in your life. We'll also discuss what your job is in each verse.

Joshua 1:7

Proverbs 16:3

Matthew 20:26-28

John 14:12

John 15:15-16 (Discuss. Then read vs. 17 and discuss some more.)

2 Corinthians 3:2-6 (Discuss where does our confidence come from.)


4/8/13 What Does The Bible Say About Revenge?

Revenge Dictionary Definition:

To exact punishment or payment for a wrong on behalf of yourself or someone else, especially in a resentful or vindictive spirit.

To take vengeance for, inflict punishment for, avenge.

Vengeance = infliction of injury, harm, humiliation etc on a person who has been harmed by that person.

Have you ever sought revenge for yourself or someone else?

What does the Bible say about seeking revenge?

Deuteronomy 32:34-35 This is part of the song of Moses. God had spoken to him about the nation of Israel falling away from God and look what God said in vs. 34. What did he say? Basically, he's saying I have logged this data. I will remember it. Then in vs. 35 whose job is it to deal with this? "It is mine to avenge."

Psalm 94:1 who’s job is it?

Proverbs 25:21-22 What does this verse have to do with revenge? How can you really get back at your enemy and still please God?

Matthew 5:38-42 What do you think about these verses? How do you see this realistically playing out in your daily life?

Romans 12:17-21There is a lot in this section. What do you see in these verses?
  • Do not repay evil for evil.
  • Live at peace whenever possible.
  • Don't take revenge: leave that for God. He'll handle it.
  • Do exactly the opposite of what you may want to do, and treat your enemy with love and kindness.
  • Overcome evil with good.
I Thessalonians 5:12-15 Make sure no one pays back wrong for wrong. Have you ever heard the saying 2 wrongs don't make a right?

I Peter 3:8-14 Why are we supposed to repay insult with blessing?

Revenge does not equal Love. God is love. We are to be his hands, his feet, his mouth. We cannot seek revenge and act in love at the same time. Even if you are seeking revenge on behalf of someone you love, you cannot be showing love to the person you are acting out against. At least 19 times in the New Testament, we read that it is our job to "love on another." As you leave Bible Session tonight, go back to school, back to your friends, back to your families, keep those words in your heart and mind, "LOVE ONE ANOTHER."

Kids Are Cooking - A HUGE SUCCESS!

The first ever MAD Skates Kids Are Cooking event went really well.  The only downside was that it took much longer to cook than we had anticipated, so we ran out of time for the Bible study.  Lesson learned, and we'll get it all in next time!

Bev, Gary and Brett were in the kitchen.  Jeremy and Melody ran the Skate & Rec area.  Jeff moved between the two places helping out where needed.

We had 8 kids in the kitchen helping out.  After some initial instruction and going through the routine one time, they caught on quickly! It was like a pancake and sausage factory in there.  Kids swapping between the dry ingredient station, the wet ingredient station, the electric griddles stations and the sausage station.  Seth definitely became the Sausage King and spent most of his time there.  Caleb L got the perfect pancakes on the griddle, while his brother Dakota seemed to have mastered the triangular/corner pancakes.  Ethan tried every station available and even helped wash up some utensils we needed to use for both dry and wet ingredients.  Ella, McKenna, and Kristen worked as a team the entire time and jumped from dry station, wet station and griddle many times.  We ended up making 5 batches of the recipe and by the end of the night all the pancakes had been eaten along with a tub of strawberries, a tub of grapes, and 40+ sausages a gallon of milk and a half gallon of OJ.  I don't think anyone went home hungry last night.

Special thanks to Tina Berry for dropping off the syrup even though her girls couldn't come.  Also, special thanks to Christine Brown for lending us her griddle, and to Nicole Cormier for giving me her griddle for last night and any future griddle needs.



Monday, April 15, 2013

News On The Board

Here are the articles being put on the bulletin board this week...

Youth Parent Support Group

Youth Parent Support Group
Wednesdays, 7:00pm
Eastside Foursquare Church - Room 107
14520 100th Ave. NE
Bothell, WA 98011

"This drop-in group for parents with teenagers is all about supporting each other and our student ministry team through listening, sharing, prayer and topical discussions.  We want to help parents raise healthy teens in a challenging culture."

For more details, please contact Mark and Stephanie Hedman at stephhedman@gmail.com.

Monday, April 8, 2013



Next Week - April 15th

Pancakes & Sausage

*Kids – Be here at 6:00 if you want to be one of the chefs.  Open to all ages 6-18.