Mission Statement Making a difference in our community through Christian outreach in a fun and safe environment.

Purpose Statement Our primary purpose is to expand the knowledge of Christ among youth by setting a positive example and providing a safe place for recreation.

Vision Statement To be Washington's premier skatepark and recreational facility by providing each guest with a variety of activities in a friendly, affordable, Christian environment.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A review of the past few weeks and a look into the future.

November 10 - We did not have Skate & Rec Night for two main reasons: I was supposed to be out of town for my 40th birthday & Veteran's Day was the next day.  We thought some families might take the long weekend and do a short trip.  I hope everyone had a chance to enjoy each others company.

November 17 - We had a guest speaker, Scott Yamamura.  I was extremely ill and was unable to attend and my brother, Robb - a key volunteer, was also out on vacation.  Nikki Lind, Jeremy Drew, Melody Drew, Jeff Porter, and my husband stepped up to fill in all the gaps.  I was sad to have missed Scott Yamamura, but I heard he did a great job and the students really had a good time.

November 24 - We celebrated Thanksgiving with turkey, gravy, stuffing, mashed potatoes and cooked carrots followed up by some pumpkin pie with whipped cream. 

December 1 - Last night our guest speaker was Dr. Matt Angove.  He talked about the difference between the Olympic champion Usain Bolt and the 6th place runner being separated by only 1%.  He really challenged the students with "What's your PMA?" PMA - positive mental attitude.  What are you feeling?  He wanted the students to see that surrounding yourself with positive people is extremely helpful in having a positive outlook.  He also challenged them to truly have a PMA versus just showing it on the outside.  He discussed how many people who come to see him appear to have a PMA but when they are alone they do not.  So, how do you have a PMA?  He gave them a few ideas on how to have a  PMA including changing their perspective on getting ahead in the world and being competitive.  In competition are you working hard to succeed or focusing your emotions on wanting those ahead of you to fail?  He used an example from his own collegiate basketball days to show the students how wishing and hoping for others to mess up so you can get a spot on the team doesn't work very well.  He told them to be the one who makes the difference by cheering for the team to do well, encouraging the other players, and praying for your everyone to play their best. 

Pray for those ahead of you, change your heart attitude, and see what happens! Life is so much more enjoyable! Work toward your whole team winning and those you compete against doing well.

Additionally last night was Kids Are Cooking, and Melody & Kristi nailed it again making cookie kits for the kids to take home.  Even some of our skaters got in on the action.


Dec 8 - We will be discussing community service, local outreach, and missions while making our choices on where to send our tithe this Christmas.  Please have your students bring their 12th Man Challenge pages, so I can mark down where everyone is at right now and see what we can do to get these completed.

Dec 15 - MAD Skates & Rec Center Christmas Party. This party is for the students and their families!  This is NOT just for the students.  Please RSVP ASAP.  We run the Christmas Party during regular Skate & Rec Night hours.  There will be food for everyone, games for adults and students, gifts for the students, and even a skate competition.  We sincerely hope to see you there.

-Brett Elizabeth Spore

Friday, November 14, 2014

Bible Session Notes from November 3rd - Guest Speaker - Karina Woodruff

These are my notes from the guest speaker we had on November 3rd.  It is always a pleasure to have Karina Woodruff visit us and speak to all of us. 

Acts 4:8-13

Characters in this story:
Talk about Jesus

In Chapter 3, they see a paralyzed man who begs at the gate every day.  They say silver and gold we do not have, but what we have, we give to you, be healed.  And the man was healed.

Now Peter & John are in trouble.  How did they heal this man?

How is Peter:
-One of Jesus' friends/Disciple
-Wrote 1 & 2 Peter
-Very gun ho!  Faith is there in full force, and then faith is completely lacking.
-His real name is Simon which means pebble.  In Mathew 16:18 Jesus renames him Peter which means ROCK and tells him he will lead the church. 
-Jesus saw in Peter something Peter did not see in himself.

-Jesus sees something different in Peter
-Peter & John saw this paralyzed  man through a different lens.  Who is in your lens?
-Peter wasn't alone when he went to pray for this man.
-Out of Peter's faith/unfaith - Jesus used Peter's weaknesses to serve Christ.

Friday, November 7, 2014

No Skate & Rec Night - Monday, November 10th

A quick reminder that there will be no Skate & Rec Night this coming Monday, November 10th.  Please enjoy the time off from school and other obligations, and remember to thank a soldier on Tuesday.  Many blessings.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 6 - Skate & Rec Night

Jeremy Drew brought the Word.  Melody Drew and Kristi Baines taught Kids are Cooking. 

My brief notes on Jeremy's lesson:
Bible Session Topic - Unity as defined by the Bible
Amos 3:3 Do two walk together unless they agree to do so?
-They both have to agree to walk together

Matthew 18:19-20 If two people agree on the same thing and ask for it, it will be done.

Ephesians 4:3 Keep the spirit of unity through the bond of peace.

Unity defined by a student - work together as a team like in basketball

What keeps us from being united or being a team?
-Differences of opinion
-Going separate ways
-Being offended - holding grudges

As a Christian, who do we need to be united with 1st?

How are we untied with God?
-Read the Bible, go to church often, pray, ACCEPT JESUS.

What keeps us from being united with Jesus?

In order to be united with Jesus he has to forgive us our sins.

What is the 1st thing we have to do to be united with other?
-I Corinthians 13 - LOVE ONE ANOTHER

The Seahawks game was on the not-so-big screen.

 Kids Are Cooking - Mini Pumpkin Pies
Turn those pages and find those Scriptures!

September 29 - Skate & Rec Night

Tonight's lesson was by Brett Spore aka me.  I titled it "Drill Bits" as I took our Bible Drill concept and just talked about the verses after they were looked up.  It was actually a pretty fun way to look at the Bible in little bits.

I Kings 3:12
I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be.
  • God tells Solomon to ask for whatever he wants.
  • Solomon could have asked for anything he wanted - riches, land, horses, cattle, houses - anything at all.
  • BUT! Solomon asks for a discerning heart & the ability to tell right from wrong.
  • Discerning = to judge well
  • We often say Solomon asked for wisdom.
  • God gives Solomon what he asked for and by being wise and following God, Solomon built a great kingdom.
  • Sometimes it's hard to clearly see what is right and what is wrong.  When your friends are all doing it or saying they are... when your teacher says "x" but your parents say "y"... when nothing is really making sense in life... Solomon's request is a great example for us.
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
  • We live in a society that makes fun of others on a routine basis - a society that laughs at the gross, the embarrassing, and the wrong.  It's all over YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.
  • It's easy to fall into the pattern of behavior because it's all around us all of the time.
  • BUT! This is not how God expects us to act.
  • God tells us to speak kindly, build others up, and talk about good things.
Psalm 19:14
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
  • Just like in Ephesians, what we say needs to be pleasing to God.
  • Just like we read in Philippians a couple of weeks back, what we think about or "meditate" on needs to be pleasing to God.
  • When we consistently think on good things; good words come out of our mouths.
  • Ask for wisdom to know right & wrong and have the ability to judge well.
  • Speak kindly, build others up, and talk about godly things.
  • Think about godly things and speak likewise.
Photos from tonight:
The gym.

 Those theater kids.
Yes. Dodge ball again. 

And again.

Skate & Rec Night September 22nd

Sorry for the delay in posting these pictures and this information.  I was without a computer for almost a month.  Back in action, so expect a few updates to get us all caught up.  Thank you for your patience.

September 22 proved to be an interesting night with our guest speaker, Ben Lunsford, some wicked dodgeball action, and a quiet room of arts & crafts.

Ben spoke about the missions trip he and his wife took to Germany this summer where they worked at and English camp.  They are hoping to return to Germany as full time missionaries.

Here are some of the notes I took from his lesson:
  • Kids there are the same as kids here. Same problems.  Same electronics. So "What's the difference?" About 5100 miles.
  • The people there also have to drive 45 miles to get to church because there aren't very many churches there teaching the gospel.
  • Why do we want to go to Germany as missionaries? We want to tell people who Jesus is.  The great commission in Matthew 28.  Go and make disciples.
  • Galatians 5 - The fruit of the spirit comes from the Holy Spirit/God. 
  • God can help you to be more loving and have more peace.
  • Just like your parents expect you to grow up, God expects you to grow as well.
  • Who do you need to talk to about Jesus?  Missions starts right here at home.

Here are a few photos from the night.  Sorry they are not more clear.

The craft and music room.

 Dodgeball junkies.  We pretty much play every night after Bible Session now.
 A well executed dodge by Sarah while Reagan heads over to grab the loose ball.
 Ben Lunsford speaking.  The kids lined up in airplane formation.
What's the difference? About 5100 miles, but missions start here at home.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

First Night Back!

September 15th was our first night back. We had 18 young people join us, a faulty net, delicious pasta, cookies, fruit, and rolls, a review of our rules, the 12th Man Challenge was put out there, and a
brief Bible Session was presented.


School Year Call To Arms

A call to arms:
a summons to engage in active hostilities
a summons, invitation, or appeal to undertake a particular course of action

2 Corinthians 10:4
We are in a battle.

1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight.

Joshua 1:9
Be strong and courageous.

Philippians 4:8
Keep your mind clean.

Philippians 4:6

Saturday, August 30, 2014

So Excited!

M.A.D. Skates & Rec Center's "Skate & Rec Night" is restarting on Monday, September 15th.  We are extremely excited about some of the upcoming plans. 

Dinner and dessert have already been signed up for on September 15th!  We are looking to get a few more of you involved in the dinners by providing the main course, side dish, or dessert for 20-25 hungry people on one Monday night this fall.  Please contact me: 206-423-0813 or brett@madskates.com to sign up. 

Below is a list of the current guest speakers for Monday nights. If you are interested in speaking or know of someone who might be interested, please contact me: 206-423-0813 or brett@madskates.com.

Guest Speakers:
Ben Lunsford
Missionary to Germany
Corporate Sponsor - Ben Lunsford Real Estate http://www.rentingisnotforme.com/

Moriah Beaulieu
Missionary to Africa - http://faith-produces-endurance.blogspot.com/

Micki Shulkind
MAD Skates board member
Missionary to Africa
Suicide/Crisis Hotline Volunteer http://www.christiansuicideprevention.com/
Fire Department Chaplin

Scott Yamamura
Boarders for Christ
Videographer/Graphic Designer -  Recent work: 93" Bear Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BFvleXmpc4I

Matt Angove, N.D.
Doctor of Natural Medicine https://www.facebook.com/drwholeness

Karina Woodruff
Friends of Youth - https://www.facebook.com/friendsofyouth

RV Palmer
Local dad
Corporate Sponsor - Grizzly Sports http://www.grizzly-sports.com/

Jeremy Drew
MAD Skates volunteer

Important Dates:
September 15 - First day back! 6pm
November 10 - Closed!
November 24 - Thanksgiving Dinner Party - Youth only.
December 15 - Christmas Party - All family members invited.  This is the last event of 2014.

12th Man Challenge:
We're excited about this season for the Seattle Seahawks, and the Seattle Seahawks are offering us an opportunity to visit the training center again.  More details will be presented on September 15th!   

Monday, June 30, 2014

New Treasurer - Donation Receipt Policy Update

Please welcome our new treasurer, Jamie Miller! 

We are making a few changes with our new board member, and I am looking forward to having a little more time to focus on other areas of the ministry.

For those who are used to receiving a donation receipt for each donation to our organization, please note this has changed effective immediately.  Year end receipts will be provided to all donors for all donations each year. 

Thank you for your continued support.  We are looking forward to growing in Christ!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Lights Out For Summer Party

Please plan on attending our Lights Out For Summer party on June 9th.  The party will be the same time and place as our regular skate & rec night.  We will be closed for the summer with the possibility of doing a couple outreaches at local skate parks.

Lights Out For Summer Party Needs(These are items we wish to borrow for the party. Craft items would not be returned. All other items would be returned.)
• Glow in the dark football
• Laser tag – enough for 2 teams of 4
• Battery powered candles and lanterns
• Shop work lights – I’m thinking of something like these.
• Glow in the dark craft items – stickers, etc.
• Black lights

Closed Memorial Day

Please mark your calendars!

We will not be meeting on Monday May 26th as we traditionally have closed in honor of Memorial Day.  Please take this day to remember.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

In Search of Treasurer

Our treasurer is currently updating our books and will be leaving us at the end of May.  If you have any experience with QuickBooks and would be interested in this board member position, please contact me right away. 

Email brett@madskates.com or via cell 206-423-0813.  Email or text work best for the initial contact, and I can follow up with email, text or a phone call.

Thank you for your prayerful consideration.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Bible Session Notes - Monday - April 28, 2014

Matthew 5:17-20

Matthew 5:17

Remember earlier in this series when I told you how many of the prophetic statements from the Old Testament had already been fulfilled by Christ?  Here Jesus states that he came to fulfill the laws and the prophets.

Matthew 5:18

God’s law will always be in effect.  You cannot fulfill the law.  Perfection is required and we cannot obtain that.  Only Jesus Christ can perfectly obey both the letter of the law and the spirit of the law.  Until Jesus’ death  and resurrection, God saw us through the lens of the law.  After Christ’ death and resurrection and our accepting of Christ as our Lord and Savior, God sees us through the lens of Christ’ righteousness.

Matthew 5:19-20

Be better than the Pharisees. Practice and teach God’s commands and do it with humility – giving God all the glory and praise.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Bible Session Notes - April 21st - Matthew 5:13-16

Matthew 5:13 
What is salt used for? 
What does it mean as a Christian to be salt? 
How as Christians do we stay salty? 
Matthew 5:14-15 
What does a light do in a dark room? 
As a Christian what does it mean to be a light? 
Matthew 5:16 
Why are supposed to do good deeds? 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bible Session Notes - Monday - April 14 - Matthew 5:1-12

Matthew 5:1-2 (student read)

? Who was Jesus teaching at this time?  His disciples in the broader sense of the word.  Not just the 12 but also those who followed him.

? Where was he teaching?  Mountainside (Not a mountain top – a mountainside – perhaps a plateau)

? Why did he sit? It was the custom of Jewish teachers to sit when they taught.

? Why do you think he went to the mountainside?  Student response

* Luke 6 12-20 (student read)

* Here again we see a difference between two of the gospels in an account of the same story.  However, I believe it is simply a difference in how the story is being told not a case of disharmony between the stories. 

(Get two volunteers at the beginning of the night.  Give each student 2 minutes to silently read the story.  Then give each student a piece of paper and a pen to write out their version of the story. Read these stories to the rest of the students.)

Story: Billy and Jane went to the store at 9:00 in the morning to buy a dozen donuts for their neighborhood friends.  They bought 6 maple bars, 3 chocolate sprinkled donuts and 3 vanilla sprinkled donuts.  When they got back to their neighborhood at 9:30, they went from door to door handing out donuts to their friends.  Their friends were all very happy except for Bobby.  Bobby had just had new braces put on and wasn’t allowed to eat anything for 5 hours.

*I’m using this as an example of how the same story will be told differently by two different people.  One will focus on some of the details while the other will focus on other details.

Student Story 1: Two people went to get donuts at 9:00.  They bought 6 maple bars and something and something.  When they got back, they went around the neighborhood giving donuts to their friends.  Everyone liked them except for Bobby.  He had just had braces put on and could not eat for 5 hours.

Student Story 2: Jane and Billy went to the store to get some doughnuts for their friends.  They got maple bars, sprinkled doughnuts, bacon wrapped maple bars, bacon filled sprinkled doughnuts, chocolate doughnuts, and old fashioned doughnuts.  They went door to door in their neighborhood handing out their doughnuts to their friends.  All their friends were happy except Bobby.  Bobby had gotten braces and could not eat anything, ESPECIALLY bacon filled sprinkled doughnuts, for five whole entire long eternal-feeling hours.
(This wasn’t the best example of my point, because Student Story 2 took some artistic liberties.  However, the point is still the same in that the main points of the story are that Billy & Jane bought donuts for their friends who all enjoyed them except Bobby who just got braces.)

*In the next group of verses, Christ will teach his disciples and us that the greatest joy and happiness is not in the easiness and pleasures of this world, but the greatest joy and happiness is found by living in the good will and pleasure of God even when you are treated poorly by others in this world.
Matthew 5:3-10 The Beatitudes – Beati = Blessed (student read)

*9 Beatitudes = 7 Characteristics – The last 2 Beatitudes talk about external circumstances that can lead to blessings verses a character trait of the person.

*Most of the Beatitudes go completely against what the world is teaching us every day. 
Blessed are:

o   The poor in spirit – Those who realize without God they are nothing.

o   They that mourn – Those who feel a deep sense of sadness/sorrow for their own sins, the sins of others and the effects those sins have on our world and our people.

o   The meek – Those who are not arrogant and greedy and self-seeking.

o   They that hunger and thirst for righteousness – Those who seek to be Christ-like and live in a moral and right manner.

o   The merciful – Those who do acts of kindness and who are compassionate toward those who offend them.

o   The pure in heart – Those who are free from evil desires and purposes.

o   The peacemakers – Those who try to make peace between individuals or communities.

*These first 7 are all characteristics of a person.  This is the attitude of someone who has fully given control of his or her life over to Christ.

Matthew 5:11 The Beatitudes Continued
Blessed are:

o   You who are persecuted for righteousness sake.

o   You who are reproached (to find fault with) and persecuted, and have things said against you falsely for Christ’ sake.

*After Christ’ death, the followers of Christ suffered great persecution.  In some areas of the world, this severe persecution continues today.  With your parents, go online and check out Voice of the Martyrs who help persecuted Christians around the world.  Even here in America, Christians are suffering persecution.  Although we are not being beaten and killed for our beliefs, we are being made fun of, we are falsely accused of being haters, and we are having our moral beliefs being used against us in court and in the government.  Persecution is as real today as it was in the time of Jesus.
Matthew 5:12 REJOICE (student read)


*Rejoice.  Christ says to rejoice in these persecutions.

? Why do you think Jesus says that? Student response

Points to Ponder:
Are you a disciple of Christ?

Are you living out these qualities (the Beatitudes) in your daily life?
How will you rejoice even when persecuted?

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bible Session Monday April 7 - Matthew 4:12-25

Matthew 4:12-17 (student read)

*John the Baptist was put in prison for speaking out against Herod and the evil things he had done.
*Jesus leaves the area and goes to a lake near Zebulun and Naphtali fulfilling yet another prophecy.  So are, we are only halfway through the 4th chapter of a 28 chapter book, and Jesus’ life has fulfilled 7 Old Testament prophecies.

*Several Bible commentaries I read state that Jesus left the area, because the people’s hearts were hard and they refused to hear the message of salvation. 
? Thoughts on that?

? What was the message Jesus began to preach? Repent the kingdom of heaven is near
? What does that mean?

Matthew 4:18-22 (student read)
*Matthew’s story about Jesus calling his first disciples always seemed so odd to me.  All he did was say, “Come, follow me” and they came?  Was this some sort of Jedi mind trick?  Did Jesus’ presence command and demand an audience, so those guys just heard his voice and followed him?

? Why do you think they left everything immediately to follow Him? 
*Luke 5:1-11 (read out loud) – Luke gives us an account of what lead up to the men going with Jesus.

*John 1:35-42 (read out loud) – John gives us even more back story.
*Sometimes you really can’t get the full picture of a Bible story without reading about it from different perspectives.  Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the 4 books of the gospel. The four authors are as different as choosing any 4 of you randomly to write an account of what you saw at Skate & Rec Night tonight.  Because of that, each author highlights the aspects he sees most clearly.  Matthew was a tax collector, Mark it seems wrote down the account of Simon Peter (once a fisherman), Luke was a physician, and John was a fisherman.  God inspired these men to write what wrote, but they each wrote as themselves with their personalities, careers, and positioning around Jesus and the events showing up in their individual accounts of the gospel.

? Why do you think God had 4 different accounts of the Gospel written?
Matthew 4:23-25 (student read)

*Jesus teaches, preaches and heals.  People came from all over to be healed.

*Most of us probably remember the catch phrase WWJD – what would Jesus do?
? Based on Matthew 4:23, what would Jesus do if he were here on earth today?
·         Teach in the churches
·         Preach the good news everywhere
·         Heal disease and sickness

Points to Ponder:
How can you be like Jesus?
How can you teach, preach and heal?
Think and pray about it this week.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Prayer Needed for My Brother - Robb who volunteers with MAD Skates every Monday night

Please pray for Robb.  He bent his thumb back walking into a door frame at MAD Skates 2 weeks ago.  He went in to have it looked at this week, and they said he dislocated it and broke it.  Right now it is in a splint.  He has to go back to the x-ray doc for a review on the x-rays.  Then he has to go back to his primary care doc to see about treatment or sending him on to a orthopedic hand specialist.  He may need to have it pinned.  This is the same arm that he just got the brace off of from shattering his elbow before Christmas.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Bible Session Notes - Monday, March 31 - Matthew 4:1-11

Matthew 4:1-11 (3-31-14)

Matthew 4:1-2 Introduction to Temptations (student read)

Question: Who led Jesus into the wilderness? The Spirit of God

Question: Why did he go? To be tempted by the devil

Question: How many days did he fast? 40

Question: What is a fast? Not eating anything or eating only a select type of food for a specific period of time.

*God tests. Satan tempts.  Sometimes God’s tests include allowing Satan to tempt us as is the case here with Jesus.  The difference between God’s testing and Satan’s tempting is the motive.  God will test us to strengthen us but Satan only tempts us to sin.  God’s goal in the testing and trials is to make us stronger in our faith in Him and His deliverance.  Satan’s goal in tempting us is to have us fail and turn away from God.

Matthew 4:3-4 The First Temptation (student read)

Question: What was the first temptation? Turn these stones into bread.

Question: What was Jesus’ response?  Quotes the Scriptures – God’s word says man cannot live on bread but on God’s word.

*Jesus hadn’t eaten for 40 days.  I would guess this was a pretty big temptation at this point - an easy “miracle” for him to perform in order to fill his hungry belly.  Satan often uses our pride in our own abilities against us, convincing us to take matters into our own hands instead of trusting God.  Jesus resisted the temptation by quoting Scripture showing His trust in God.

Matthew 4:5-7 The Second Temptation (student read)

*Satan gets a little smarter on this one.  He sees Jesus used Scripture to stand up to the first temptation, so he uses Scripture to put the 2nd temptation into play.  “Throw yourself down from here; the Scriptures say the angels will save you if you are who you say you are.”

Question: How did Jesus answer? It is written, do not put the Lord to the test.

*Jesus didn’t fall for it, and neither should you and I.  We need to know what the Bible says and be able to use it like a sword.  Bible verses are often misquoted and taken out of context to be used to condone bad behaviors or to be used against followers of Christ.  Knowing the Bible not only gives you a strong defense against temptations, it also provides you solid footing when you are facing trials in life as well as helping you to know if what someone is saying is accurate when they are quoting the Bible.

Matthew 4:8-10 The Third Temptation (student read)

Question: Satan says he will give Jesus what?  The world and all its splendor

*Satan doesn’t really “own” the world, so he can’t really give it to Jesus.  There are several schools of thought on this concept.

·         Satan exaggerated when claiming the world as his own.

·         Sin has a place on earth.  Satan is the “king” of sin, so he “rules” here.

·         Satan would leave the people of earth alone and stop tempting them if Jesus agreed to bow down to him.

*The bottom line is that Jesus didn’t fall for Satan’s deception.

Question: What was Jesus response? Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only.

*This is a key point!  Bowing down to Satan would have changed everything.  Jesus would have submitted his power and authority to Satan.  Then Satan could have done anything he wanted and as his nature suggests, it wouldn’t have been pretty.  God requires total devotion and dedication to Him and Him alone.  There are many religions, belief systems, deities or gods in our world today, but there is only ONE TRUE GOD, and we are to stay focused on Him and worship Him and serve Him only.

*Some people like to choose the “best parts” of many different religions creating a mosaic of the good things that they like about each one in order to develop their own personal religion.  Although this seems to make the person happy and meet their earthly needs, it is not the truth.  The Bible repeatedly tells us that there is only one true God.  The Bible repeatedly tells us that Jesus Christ is the only way to God.  For those who take parts and pieces of the Bible and mix it with parts and pieces of other religions, I have to ask “when the time comes, will they be spending eternity with Christ?”  Will you?

Matthew 4:11 Angels Assist (student read)

*The devil lost the battle, and the angels came and took care of Jesus.  There are some trials we will not come out of without needing a little help recovering from.  God and God’s people are here to help you.  Do not feel like you need to go through this on your own.  Even Jesus had the angels helping him after his battle with Satan.  Do not let pride keep you from getting the help you need to get back on your feet.

Interesting Thoughts and Questions:

Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”  John 14:6.  

Romans 10:9-10 says, “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bible Session Notes - Monday, March 24, 2014 - Matthew 3

Matthew 3:1-17 (3-24-14)

Matthew 3:1-3 (student read)

Question: What was John the Baptist’ main message? Repent, for the kingdom of God is near

Question: What does repent mean? To feel so sorry for sin or fault that you change your life for the better – turn away from your sin

Question: What is the kingdom of heaven?  The kingdom of God.  The word for heaven was another way of saying God not the place where God dwells.  It represents the ruling, saving, liberating, redemptive acts of God.  It is Christ on earth, the power of redemption, and the people who choose to follow Christ fully.

Matthew 3:4-6 (student read)

*Even though John the Baptist was a little strange - don’t take your fashion tips from him -  the people believed his message and came to be baptized by him.

Question: Why do you think he dressed that way and ate such an odd diet?  Student Response

Question: Why do you think people believed him?

*John the Baptist was a prophet.  We don’t know why but prophet’s often dressed strangely even in the Old Testament times.  2 Kings 1:8

Matthew 3:7-10 (student read)

*The Pharisees and Sadducees are a great example of who NOT to be.  They were great at obeying laws and doing “all the right things” but with an unclean and unrepentant heart.  They were working with the wrong motives.

·         *Having Christian parents does not make you a Christian.

·         *Produce fruit that shows your repentance – meaning your heart is turned away from sin toward holiness and from that heart you will do good not evil.

·         *Anyone – like the Pharisees and Sadducees – not producing good fruit from a repentant heart will be thrown in the fire.

*Later on in Matthew, Jesus says, “Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?  Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you.  Away from me you evil doers!’” (Matthew 7:22-23) Why would he say that?  Because their motives were wrong and their hearts were not right with God.

Matthew 3:11-12 (student read)

Question: Who is John the Baptist talking about?  Jesus Christ

Question: John the Baptist baptizes with water.  How will Jesus Christ baptize?  With the Holy Spirit and fire

Question: Who is the wheat and what is the barn? Wheat = Christians Barn = Heaven (reward)

Question: Who is the chaff and what is the fire? Chaff = Non-Christians Fire = Hell (judgment)

*Side note – A winnowing fork was used to separate the good wheat from the useless chaff

*John the Baptist did not “save” people.  The baptism illustrated what was happening in people’s hearts.  The faith expressed through baptism was a public sign of repentance and that the person was ready for the Messiah’s salvation. Today we baptize in water to illustrate this same choice typically AFTER someone has accepted Jesus’ salvation.

Matthew 3:13-15 (student read)

*Jesus goes to John to be baptized and John is like “What are you doing here? You should be baptizing me!”

Matthew 2:16-17 (student read)

Question: When Jesus came out of the water, what descended?  The Spirit of God like a dove

Question: Who is the voice of heaven?  God

Question: What did the voice of heaven say?  This is my Son, whom I love with him I am well pleased.

Ponder don’t answer: Is this something you wish your dad would say about you?

Ponder don’t answer: Is this something you want God, your heavenly father to say about you?

Question: What did Jesus do to “earn” this response from God? He obeyed. 

Interesting Thoughts and Questions:

Listen and think: 

Have you repented and turned your life over to Jesus?

Have you been baptized?

Are you producing good fruit?

When you get to the gates of heaven will God say “I never knew you” or will he say “I am well pleased.”? This isn’t a question of how much good work you do here on earth but where your heart is in what you do.  What are your motives? To help yourself in your place on earth or to help the kingdom of God?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bible Session This Week 3/17/2014 - Matthew 2

Matthew 2:1-2 (student read)

Question: Jesus was born where? Bethlehem

Question: Who was king at this time? Herod

Question: Who did the Magi/Wisemen say Jesus was? King of the Jews

Matthew 2:3-6 (student read)

Question: Herod and the people of Jerusalem were bothered by Jesus’ birth. Why? (Student response)

Question: The prophecy states out of Bethlehem will come a ruler who will be what to the people? A shepherd

Matthew 2:7-8 (student read)

Question: Herod figured out when and approximately where Jesus was born.  What did he tell the Magi to do? Find the child

Question: Why? So Herod could worship him

Matthew 2:9-12 (student read)

Question: The Magi find Jesus, give him gifts, worship him and leave.  They don’t tell Herod where Jesus is.  Why? Told in advance not to go back to Herod

Question: Should the Magi have obeyed the government or God? Student Response

Matthew 2:13-15 (student read)

*Again God speaks through a dream.  Again Joseph obeys.

Matthew 2:16-18 (student read)

*Unfortunately for everyone else who stayed in Bethlehem, Herod gets angry about the Magi not telling him where Jesus was and he orders the killing of all boys under 2 years old.

Question: How do you feel about this huge sacrifice of so many lives because of Jesus’ escapte? Student response.

Matthew 2:19-20 (student read)

*Herod is dead.  Joseph, Mary and Jesus can go back home.

Matthew 2:21-23 (student read)

*Again Joseph is warned in a dream, so they ended up in Nazareth not Bethlehem and fulfilled the prophecy that stated Jesus would be a Nazarene. 

Interesting Thoughts and Questions:

1 – Do you believe God still speaks to us today like He did during the time of Jesus birth?

2 – I’ve had a lot of conversations with various people over the years regarding whether or not God gives us something to do and then later changes our direction.  It seems this may be one of those times when God did.  Joseph was told to flea Bethlehem.  Then he was told to go back to Bethlehem.  But then he was told to go to Nazareth instead.

3 – What do you think would have been different if at any point people (ex. Magi/Joseph) in this story would not have obeyed God?  Student Responses

Monday, March 17, 2014

Bible Session from Last Monday Night - Beginning our study of Matthew

Matthew 1:1-25 (3-10-14)

Matthew 1:1 (student read)

Question: What is a genealogy? (Student responses)

Matthew 1:2-16 (teacher read)

Question: Why include the genealogy? (Student responses)

Matthew 1:17 (student read)

Question: How many generations in total from Abraham to Christ? 42

Matthew 1:18-19 (student read)

Question: What do we call it today when someone is pledged to be married? Engaged

Question: Why would he need to “divorce” her when they were only engaged? Student Responses

*In those times, when someone was committed to marry they acted in public as if they were already married.  They did not live together or sleep together. They also did not “back out” of an engagement.

Matthew 1:20-21 (student read)

Question: Do not be ___________?  Afraid

Question: The baby is from whom? The Holy Spirit

Question: What is the purpose of Jesus? To Save his people from their sin

Matthew 1:22-23 (student read)

Question: This all happened to fulfill what? A prophecy

Matthew 1:24-25 (student read)

Question: Did Joseph obey? (student responses)

Interesting Thoughts and Questions:

1 – It took a lot of courage and faith to marry Mary when Joseph knew the baby wasn’t his.  His character was tainted by this.  It wasn’t like today where people are often having babies and not being married.  This was highly looked down upon.

2 – If God asked you to do something that marred your image and tainted your social standing… What would you do?

Prayer Requests:

Friday, February 28, 2014

Bible Session Notes 2-24-14 Samson

Review: What happened to Samson?  Where is he now?

Judges 16:23-24 (student read)

Question: What was the name of the god the Philistines worshipped? Dagon
Question: What were the people so excited about?  What were they praising Dagon for? Delivering Samson into their hands.

Judges 16:25-27 (student read)
*The Philistines used Samson as entertainment.  It doesn’t say what he did to entertain them.

Question: What do you think they had him do? (Student response)
Question: How many people were watching Samson perform? 3,000

Judges 16:28-30 (student read)
Question: Samson finally prays to God.  What does he ask for?  Strength one more time

Judges 16:31 (student read)
*His family took his body and buried him. 

*It says he judged Israel for 20 years.
Question: How old do you think Samson was when he died? (student response)

And that is the end of Samson.

Interesting Points:
1 – Samson didn’t do a lot of things right, but God still used him.  That’s not a free pass for you to do whatever you want and expect God to still use you.  It simply means that you don’t have to be perfect to be used for God’s purposes. 

2 – God never left Samson until Samson broke his vow.  God won’t leave you either.  When you choose God, He sticks by you through everything good and everything bad.
3 – Pick your close friends wisely.  Be a good example.  Don’t let sin creep in by saying “yes” the first time.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bible Session Notes 2-10-14

Judges 16:1 (Brett read.)
*A prostitute is a woman who gets paid to be with a man.
Question: Does this seem like a place for an Israelite judge to be?  A nazirite? (Student response)

Judges 16:2-3 (student read)
*Samson’s enemies find out he’s there and plot to kill him in the morning, but Samson leaves in the middle of the night, ripping off the doors of the city gate on his way out.
Question: Why do you think he left in the middle of the night? (Student reponse)
Question: When he tore off the doors of the city gates was the spirit of the Lord upon him? No
*You can learn a lot by what is not said in the Bible as well as what is said.  Listen to the quiet places – those times when it seems like you’re asking yourself “why doesn’t the Bible say that this time?”
Question: Why do you think he tore the doors off the city gates? (Student response)

Judges 16:4 (student read)
*Samson is in love again.
Question: Did anyone else notice how many women are in this story? (Student response)
*Mom, 1st wife, prostitute, and now Delilah.  So far, only his mom has been of any quality.

Judges 16:5 (student read)
*Here we go again.  The Philistirnes are using their women to get to Samson.  He fell to this once before with his first wife.  Why not try again?
*Side thought.  Once you say “yes” to a sin or wrong thing, it becomes easier and easier to say “yes” after that.  Don’t say “yes” the first time. Don’t let sin get its foot in the door.

Judges 16:6-9 (student read)
*Delilah asks Samson for the secret of his strength.  Samson lies and breaks free.

Judges 16:10 (student read)
*Delilah yells at him for lying to her and then asks again for the truth.
*Wait a minute!  She just tried to capture him and she’s mad at him because he lied!  She’s tricking him and he’s lying. 
Question: Does anyone else see a problem here? (student response)

Judges 16:11-12 (student read)
*Samson tells her another lie. Delilah tries to capture him.  He breaks free.  She has now tried to capture him twice, and he’s still with her.
Question: Why is he still with her? (student response)

Judges 16:13-14 (student read)
*Delilah again accuses Samson of lying and again asks for the real way to tie him up.
Question: How many times has Samson lied to Delilah now? 3
Question: Why do you think he lied to her in the first place? (student response)

Judges 16:15-16 (student read)
*Delilah pulls out all the stops in the blame game this time.  “You don’t love me or you would tell me your secret.”  Day in and day out she nagged him.
Question: Does this sound familiar in Samson’s story? (student response)
Question: What happened the last time a woman told Samson “you don’t love me or you’d tell me?” (Samson lost the riddle challenge and had to pay out 30 linen clothes)

Judges 16:17 (student read)
*Samson gives up and tells her everything.  Sad day for Samson.

Judges 16:18-19 (student read)
Delilah calls Samson’s enemies and sets him up for capture.  Shaving his head – she removes all of his strength. 

Judges 16:20 (student read)
*Samson cannot break free.
Question: How do you think Samson felt when he realized he could not break free? (student response)
Question: What does it say about God/the Lord? What did God do? (Student response)
Question: Why do you think the Lord left him? (Student response)
*I find it very interesting that Samson did a lot of pretty bad stuff and God did not leave him.  It was not until Samson broke his vow with God that God left him.

Judges 16:21 (student read)
*Samson is captured.  Game over.
Question: Why do you think they blinded him? (Student response)

Judges 16:22 (student read)
*Samson’s hair began to grow again…
Come back in 2 weeks to find out what happens next!

Interesting Points:
1 – Once again, Samson reminds us to be careful who we choose as our closest friends, wives, husbands, etc.  Delilah’s values were not good.  She did not love Samson.  She wanted the money from the Philistines, and that was the bottom line.  Know the people in your life, and know who you can trust with you secrets.  Samson lied to Delilah 3 times, yet he stayed with her.  If I did not trust someone that much, I wouldn’t hang around.  If you have a friend who is often “getting you into trouble” are they really a very good friend?  Can you be better friend to them by saying “no” to what they are asking you to do with them?  Perhaps not only will you not get into trouble, but maybe they won’t either.

2 – Although Samson is VERY strong physically, he is quite weak spiritually, emotionally and dare I say mentally.  Being made in the image of God who has three people in one – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - we are also made up of 3 parts – mind, spirit, and body.  If you are only strong in one area, you will fall just like Samson.  It’s like a 3 legged stool.  If one leg is long, but the other two are short or even if 2 legs are long and only one is short, the stool will not stand up.  Neither will you.  So strengthen all 3 parts of you:
Strengthen your mind (learn, school, etc)   
Strengthen your body (exercise, nutrition, sleep)
Strengthen your spirit (know God, read the Bible, pray, reflect)