Mission Statement Making a difference in our community through Christian outreach in a fun and safe environment.

Purpose Statement Our primary purpose is to expand the knowledge of Christ among youth by setting a positive example and providing a safe place for recreation.

Vision Statement To be Washington's premier skatepark and recreational facility by providing each guest with a variety of activities in a friendly, affordable, Christian environment.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 6 - Skate & Rec Night

Jeremy Drew brought the Word.  Melody Drew and Kristi Baines taught Kids are Cooking. 

My brief notes on Jeremy's lesson:
Bible Session Topic - Unity as defined by the Bible
Amos 3:3 Do two walk together unless they agree to do so?
-They both have to agree to walk together

Matthew 18:19-20 If two people agree on the same thing and ask for it, it will be done.

Ephesians 4:3 Keep the spirit of unity through the bond of peace.

Unity defined by a student - work together as a team like in basketball

What keeps us from being united or being a team?
-Differences of opinion
-Going separate ways
-Being offended - holding grudges

As a Christian, who do we need to be united with 1st?

How are we untied with God?
-Read the Bible, go to church often, pray, ACCEPT JESUS.

What keeps us from being united with Jesus?

In order to be united with Jesus he has to forgive us our sins.

What is the 1st thing we have to do to be united with other?
-I Corinthians 13 - LOVE ONE ANOTHER

The Seahawks game was on the not-so-big screen.

 Kids Are Cooking - Mini Pumpkin Pies
Turn those pages and find those Scriptures!

September 29 - Skate & Rec Night

Tonight's lesson was by Brett Spore aka me.  I titled it "Drill Bits" as I took our Bible Drill concept and just talked about the verses after they were looked up.  It was actually a pretty fun way to look at the Bible in little bits.

I Kings 3:12
I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and discerning heart, so that there will never have been anyone like you, nor will there ever be.
  • God tells Solomon to ask for whatever he wants.
  • Solomon could have asked for anything he wanted - riches, land, horses, cattle, houses - anything at all.
  • BUT! Solomon asks for a discerning heart & the ability to tell right from wrong.
  • Discerning = to judge well
  • We often say Solomon asked for wisdom.
  • God gives Solomon what he asked for and by being wise and following God, Solomon built a great kingdom.
  • Sometimes it's hard to clearly see what is right and what is wrong.  When your friends are all doing it or saying they are... when your teacher says "x" but your parents say "y"... when nothing is really making sense in life... Solomon's request is a great example for us.
Ephesians 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
  • We live in a society that makes fun of others on a routine basis - a society that laughs at the gross, the embarrassing, and the wrong.  It's all over YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.
  • It's easy to fall into the pattern of behavior because it's all around us all of the time.
  • BUT! This is not how God expects us to act.
  • God tells us to speak kindly, build others up, and talk about good things.
Psalm 19:14
May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
  • Just like in Ephesians, what we say needs to be pleasing to God.
  • Just like we read in Philippians a couple of weeks back, what we think about or "meditate" on needs to be pleasing to God.
  • When we consistently think on good things; good words come out of our mouths.
  • Ask for wisdom to know right & wrong and have the ability to judge well.
  • Speak kindly, build others up, and talk about godly things.
  • Think about godly things and speak likewise.
Photos from tonight:
The gym.

 Those theater kids.
Yes. Dodge ball again. 

And again.

Skate & Rec Night September 22nd

Sorry for the delay in posting these pictures and this information.  I was without a computer for almost a month.  Back in action, so expect a few updates to get us all caught up.  Thank you for your patience.

September 22 proved to be an interesting night with our guest speaker, Ben Lunsford, some wicked dodgeball action, and a quiet room of arts & crafts.

Ben spoke about the missions trip he and his wife took to Germany this summer where they worked at and English camp.  They are hoping to return to Germany as full time missionaries.

Here are some of the notes I took from his lesson:
  • Kids there are the same as kids here. Same problems.  Same electronics. So "What's the difference?" About 5100 miles.
  • The people there also have to drive 45 miles to get to church because there aren't very many churches there teaching the gospel.
  • Why do we want to go to Germany as missionaries? We want to tell people who Jesus is.  The great commission in Matthew 28.  Go and make disciples.
  • Galatians 5 - The fruit of the spirit comes from the Holy Spirit/God. 
  • God can help you to be more loving and have more peace.
  • Just like your parents expect you to grow up, God expects you to grow as well.
  • Who do you need to talk to about Jesus?  Missions starts right here at home.

Here are a few photos from the night.  Sorry they are not more clear.

The craft and music room.

 Dodgeball junkies.  We pretty much play every night after Bible Session now.
 A well executed dodge by Sarah while Reagan heads over to grab the loose ball.
 Ben Lunsford speaking.  The kids lined up in airplane formation.
What's the difference? About 5100 miles, but missions start here at home.