to the Ten Commandments
Copied From: Ten to Grow On By Sandra Klaus
leaving Egypt, the Israelites camped in the desert near Mount Sinai, waiting to
hear God’s plan for them. Suddenly
bright lightning flashed through the sky, a rumbling thunder shook the earth,
and the sharp blast of a trumpet pierced the air. A thick cloud covered Mount Sinai. The people ran away in fear. They begged Moses to talk to God for them.
met with God and listened as God spoke the Ten Commandments, the laws he wanted
his people to follow. Later, God wrote these laws on two stone tablets and gave
them to Moses. He did not want the
people to forget these important rules.
the people of Israel couldn’t obey God’s laws perfectly. They were born with sin in their hearts, just
like we were. Not one of us can keep
God’s laws perfectly. Romans 3:23 tells
us that “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (KJV)
knew we could not keep from sinning, but he loved us so much that even before
the world began he though up a plan to help the Israelites and us. God sent his only Son, the Lord Jesus, to
live a perfect life here on earth. Jesus
followed God’s rules perfectly, so he didn’t have to be punished. But, because he loves us, he took the
punishment and death that we deserved for breaking God’s laws.
Jesus came to earth, God allowed people to make sacrifices of animals. The
blood of the animals could not pay for their sin. But it was a picture of the sacrifice Jesus
would someday make on the cross. God
accepted these sacrifices for sin until Jesus came.
though the commandments were first given to God’s special people, the Israelites,
they are good laws for us today. They are almost all repeated in the New
Testament, along with further instruction on how we should live for God.
laws are not simply a list of do’s and don’ts; they are the keys to our
happiness and well-bring. The first four commandments describe our responsibility
to God – to have no other gods, to make no idols, to honor God’s name, and to
remember his day. The remaining six commandments describe our responsibility to
other people – to our parents, to neighbors, and even to our enemies.
Jesus came, he condensed the Ten Commandments into two: “’Love the Lord your
God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is
the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your
neighbor as yourself’” (Matt. 22:37-39).
laws are good. They help us please him
and make us and those around us happy.
But remember, not one of us can keep all the commandments. Not one of us can be good enough to get to
heaven. The only way to get to heaven is
by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect Son of God, and receiving
him as our Savior. Jesus said, ‘I am the
way and the truth and the life. No one
comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). If you’ve never believed Jesus’ promise and
received him as your Savior before, you can do that today.