1. Read Colossians 3:2 - What earthly things are distracting you from "things above?"
2. Read Philippians 4:8-9 - What should you be focused on in this life?
3. Read I John 2:6 - If you claim to be a Christian (have accepted Christ as your savior and now follow him) who is your example? how can you what his "walk" was like?
Monday, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
April 20th - Personal Study
1. There is a song that says, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace.” How do you these lyrics relate to our topic of following Jesus Christ?
2. Keeping Mark 2:12 in mind, what thing(s) in your life might be getting in the way of following Jesus Christ?
3. Re-read John 10:26 – Other than reading your Bible and listening when you pray, how else might you “hear” and “know” God’s voice?
4. Have you answered Jesus’ call? Have you chosen to follow him? If you have not, but you would like to do so now, pray the following prayer.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross and shedding your precious blood for my sins.
I am sorry for all my sins.
I ask you to come into my heart, forgive all my sins, and be my Lord and my Savior.
Father, I thank you now for forgiving all my sins and giving me eternal life in Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus' name I pray,
(If you have prayed this prayer for the first time, please let one of us know.)
2. Keeping Mark 2:12 in mind, what thing(s) in your life might be getting in the way of following Jesus Christ?
3. Re-read John 10:26 – Other than reading your Bible and listening when you pray, how else might you “hear” and “know” God’s voice?
4. Have you answered Jesus’ call? Have you chosen to follow him? If you have not, but you would like to do so now, pray the following prayer.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross and shedding your precious blood for my sins.
I am sorry for all my sins.
I ask you to come into my heart, forgive all my sins, and be my Lord and my Savior.
Father, I thank you now for forgiving all my sins and giving me eternal life in Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus' name I pray,
(If you have prayed this prayer for the first time, please let one of us know.)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Five 16 - An Extreme Sports Magainze With Christ at the Heart of It
CHECK IT OUT!!!!!!!!! www.five16.com
"Welcome to Five16 Magazine, your source for Xtreme Sport and Music from a Christian point of view. From street skating to freestyle motocross and from Christian punk to hip-hop, every issue of Five16 Magazine will be packed full of content to feed your hunger while staying on track with your Christian walk."
Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
"Welcome to Five16 Magazine, your source for Xtreme Sport and Music from a Christian point of view. From street skating to freestyle motocross and from Christian punk to hip-hop, every issue of Five16 Magazine will be packed full of content to feed your hunger while staying on track with your Christian walk."
Matthew 5:16
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
BFC - Jubilee - The Uprising
Just a few quick updates...
BFC - I found out through my brother that BFC (Boarders for Christ) was going to be at the Puyallup Fair. "Coincidentally," I also received an email from an old friend, Chris Lauri of BFC, that same day saying BFC was going to be at the fair doing a demo, and they would love to see us there. For some crazy reason, my husband actually agreed to drive to Puyallup at 3pm on a Friday in order to make it to the 5pm BFC show. We walked through the gates at exactly 5pm. We enjoyed talking with Chris, meeting some of the BFC riders as well as Chris' wife, Heather. BFC had a demo at 5 and again at 6:30. I don't know how many kids gave their lives to the Lord last night. I know there were 5 at the first demo, and I believe a few more at the 6:30 demo. PRAISE GOD! Please pray for the kids as they learn to listen to God. I ask that you pray they get plugged in with some quality Christian leadership in their home towns. Also, please keep BFC in your prayers as they travel the country this year doing skate demos and sharing the love of God. http://www.boardersforchrist.com/
Jubilee - Jubilee Skate Shop is now officially open. 50% of all proceeds go to M.A.D. Skates. Currently, we are a mobile skate shop, so products will travel with me to skate night and other skate venues that we put on throughout the year. Once we are in a building, the skate shop will be located there as well. We currently carry American Guru Clothing and Freedom Skateboards Decks & Clothing. Just yesterday, I placed the order with Crucified Boardwear, so we should have some of their products in just a couple weeks. We are also getting some stuff from BFC soon, and I am continuing to source out other Christian Skate Products that we will carry. Right now, we are small, but we are growing. Our main goals are to help support M.A.D. Skates and promote God's love. All products sold will be by Christian labels or sold by Christian vendors.
The Uprising - Just a quick update that The Uprising Season 2 is now showing on Steelroots.com.
BFC - I found out through my brother that BFC (Boarders for Christ) was going to be at the Puyallup Fair. "Coincidentally," I also received an email from an old friend, Chris Lauri of BFC, that same day saying BFC was going to be at the fair doing a demo, and they would love to see us there. For some crazy reason, my husband actually agreed to drive to Puyallup at 3pm on a Friday in order to make it to the 5pm BFC show. We walked through the gates at exactly 5pm. We enjoyed talking with Chris, meeting some of the BFC riders as well as Chris' wife, Heather. BFC had a demo at 5 and again at 6:30. I don't know how many kids gave their lives to the Lord last night. I know there were 5 at the first demo, and I believe a few more at the 6:30 demo. PRAISE GOD! Please pray for the kids as they learn to listen to God. I ask that you pray they get plugged in with some quality Christian leadership in their home towns. Also, please keep BFC in your prayers as they travel the country this year doing skate demos and sharing the love of God. http://www.boardersforchrist.com/
Jubilee - Jubilee Skate Shop is now officially open. 50% of all proceeds go to M.A.D. Skates. Currently, we are a mobile skate shop, so products will travel with me to skate night and other skate venues that we put on throughout the year. Once we are in a building, the skate shop will be located there as well. We currently carry American Guru Clothing and Freedom Skateboards Decks & Clothing. Just yesterday, I placed the order with Crucified Boardwear, so we should have some of their products in just a couple weeks. We are also getting some stuff from BFC soon, and I am continuing to source out other Christian Skate Products that we will carry. Right now, we are small, but we are growing. Our main goals are to help support M.A.D. Skates and promote God's love. All products sold will be by Christian labels or sold by Christian vendors.
The Uprising - Just a quick update that The Uprising Season 2 is now showing on Steelroots.com.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
April 13 - Personal Study
1. Read Mark Chapters 15 and 16
2. Memorize John 3:16
3. In your own words, tell the story of Easter.
1. Read Mark Chapters 15 and 16
2. Memorize John 3:16
3. In your own words, tell the story of Easter.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
April 6 - Personal Study
1. What is the 2 word definition of the gospel?
1. What is the 2 word definition of the gospel?
2. What is the gospel really about?
3. If you could design your perfect father, what would he be like?
4. Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ and given him your life fully? Would you like to be in a right relationship with God the Father? If you have not given your heart to Jesus Christ, and you would like to do so now, pray this prayer and make Christ the King of your life
3. If you could design your perfect father, what would he be like?
4. Have you put your faith in Jesus Christ and given him your life fully? Would you like to be in a right relationship with God the Father? If you have not given your heart to Jesus Christ, and you would like to do so now, pray this prayer and make Christ the King of your life
Dear Lord Jesus,
Thank you for dying on the cross and
Thank you for dying on the cross and
shedding your precious blood for my sins.
I am sorry for all my sins.
I ask you to come into my heart,
I am sorry for all my sins.
I ask you to come into my heart,
forgive all my sins, and be my Lord and my Savior.
Father, I thank you now for
Father, I thank you now for
forgiving all my sins and giving me
eternal life in Jesus Christ
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
In Jesus' name I pray,
In Jesus' name I pray,
April 6 - Spring Break Skate Night A Success
As Bev and I scrambled to get the gym set up on Monday night, thoughts of doubt weighed me down. We were short on volunteers, and it is spring break for most of our kids. Two of our regulars were scheduled to be in Wisconsin. I figured at best, we'd end up with 1-2 kids. I was there out of obligation to God and to the kids who might show up. I began to wonder if this is where I am supposed to be - if this is what I'm supposed to be doing. I was tired, and my back hurt. I felt like we were going to put in a lot of hours setting up and tearing down, and we might not have anyone show up.
As I was setting up the ramps, God tapped me on the shoulder... "This isn't about you. This isn't about the kids. This isn't even about the Message. This is about following Me, and doing what I've called you to do." At that point, my mental outlook completely changed, and I went about my work positive that I was where I was supposed to be. Stoked that if we only had one kid, we had a great place for that one kid to hang out for the night.
A few minutes before we finished setting up, Micki made it from her meeting and helped finish putting together a few ramps and put the orange construction netting up. Not long after that, Pastor Ben from Avondale Bible Church arrived and said that he had a couple of guys that might be showing up. In just a few moments, everyone started showing up.
We ended up with 8 kids including 3 new kids. After 2+ hours of safe skating, I was happy to say that this was our best turnout ever. Two of our volunteers ran to Bothell Bike & Ski to buy a couple of loaner helmets, and Bothell Bike & Ski gave us 10% off! Thanks Bothell Bike & Ski!
I look back on last night and say thanks to God my Father who continues to train me up to be the person He wants me to be. Walking by Faith... I look forward to where M.A.D. Skates is going... stay tuned... God's got plans we just have to listen and follow.
As I was setting up the ramps, God tapped me on the shoulder... "This isn't about you. This isn't about the kids. This isn't even about the Message. This is about following Me, and doing what I've called you to do." At that point, my mental outlook completely changed, and I went about my work positive that I was where I was supposed to be. Stoked that if we only had one kid, we had a great place for that one kid to hang out for the night.
A few minutes before we finished setting up, Micki made it from her meeting and helped finish putting together a few ramps and put the orange construction netting up. Not long after that, Pastor Ben from Avondale Bible Church arrived and said that he had a couple of guys that might be showing up. In just a few moments, everyone started showing up.
We ended up with 8 kids including 3 new kids. After 2+ hours of safe skating, I was happy to say that this was our best turnout ever. Two of our volunteers ran to Bothell Bike & Ski to buy a couple of loaner helmets, and Bothell Bike & Ski gave us 10% off! Thanks Bothell Bike & Ski!
I look back on last night and say thanks to God my Father who continues to train me up to be the person He wants me to be. Walking by Faith... I look forward to where M.A.D. Skates is going... stay tuned... God's got plans we just have to listen and follow.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
March 31 - Personal Study
1. Re-read Philippians 1:12-14. How did Paul’s chains spread the gospel – good news about Jesus Christ?
2. How does Robb’s life mirror Paul’s life?
3. What hardships in your life might be used to spread the gospel?
2. How does Robb’s life mirror Paul’s life?
3. What hardships in your life might be used to spread the gospel?
March 31 - Skate Night in Review
Monday night we had Robb Bennett (my older brother) and Karen Bennett (our mom) present during the Bible Session. They started off with an 8 minute video telling a little bit of my brother's story. Then he showed some of his scars, gave the gospel message, and he and my mom finished up by answering questions that were asked.
This was also our first night of offering free pizza, which is something we plan on continuing to do on the last Monday night of each month. I'm hoping to have a guest speaker for each free pizza night, so if you are reading this and feel the call of God on your heart to present to our youth, give me a call or email me. Let's talk and get you on the calendar.
This week we had a couple of adult guests who aren't usually with us on Monday nights... Deb Shelton (the mom of one of our skater's as well as our newest board member) and Ben Lunsford (Youth Pastor at Avondale Bible Church). It was great to have them there for our first guest speaker. Ben ended up inviting Robb & Karen to his youth group this Wednesday night to present their story. If you would like them to come to your church, youth group, women's group, conference or Bible study, please email Karen at wheatwinepress@hotmail.com. I'm looking forward to working with Ben on the possibility of having a skate night in his neck of the woods once a month or so, and as always, it is a joy to have Deb on our team.
Skaters - Please remember that your personal study questions are posted on the blog each week, are worth 2 points, and should be turned in to Micki on Skate Night.
Special thanks to one of our skaters for donating $5 to help keep us going. His heart and support is greatly appreciated. As many of you know, times are tight. Any financial support you can lend, from 50 cents to $50, will help keep our doors open. Our average monthly costs are $500 including $25 per night rent, fuel for the van, insurance for the van, maintenance for the van, skate night insurance, and pizza/pop/snacks. This does not include obtaining more grind rails, ramps, and fun boxes to keep the youth interested and grow the ministry. Donations can be made via paypal (brett@madskates.com) or on site at skate night.
This was also our first night of offering free pizza, which is something we plan on continuing to do on the last Monday night of each month. I'm hoping to have a guest speaker for each free pizza night, so if you are reading this and feel the call of God on your heart to present to our youth, give me a call or email me. Let's talk and get you on the calendar.
This week we had a couple of adult guests who aren't usually with us on Monday nights... Deb Shelton (the mom of one of our skater's as well as our newest board member) and Ben Lunsford (Youth Pastor at Avondale Bible Church). It was great to have them there for our first guest speaker. Ben ended up inviting Robb & Karen to his youth group this Wednesday night to present their story. If you would like them to come to your church, youth group, women's group, conference or Bible study, please email Karen at wheatwinepress@hotmail.com. I'm looking forward to working with Ben on the possibility of having a skate night in his neck of the woods once a month or so, and as always, it is a joy to have Deb on our team.
Skaters - Please remember that your personal study questions are posted on the blog each week, are worth 2 points, and should be turned in to Micki on Skate Night.
Special thanks to one of our skaters for donating $5 to help keep us going. His heart and support is greatly appreciated. As many of you know, times are tight. Any financial support you can lend, from 50 cents to $50, will help keep our doors open. Our average monthly costs are $500 including $25 per night rent, fuel for the van, insurance for the van, maintenance for the van, skate night insurance, and pizza/pop/snacks. This does not include obtaining more grind rails, ramps, and fun boxes to keep the youth interested and grow the ministry. Donations can be made via paypal (brett@madskates.com) or on site at skate night.
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