Mission Statement Making a difference in our community through Christian outreach in a fun and safe environment.

Purpose Statement Our primary purpose is to expand the knowledge of Christ among youth by setting a positive example and providing a safe place for recreation.

Vision Statement To be Washington's premier skatepark and recreational facility by providing each guest with a variety of activities in a friendly, affordable, Christian environment.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Bible Session Notes - August 1

Louie Giglio Video Series on Hope
Part III – At the Foot of the Cross

Discussion/Questions following the film...

1. Last week we learned there were three things the Cross tells us. What are they?
o Jesus loves me
o God allows freedom but he maintains control
o God can use the worst things for eternal good

2. This week, Louie brings up a fourth thing the Cross tells us. What is it?
o God paints on a canvas bigger than we can see or understand

3. The emails that were read this week had some really tragic stories, and if we only look at the losses and the tragedy, we will really miss a much bigger picture. The picture is one of hope! Can you imagine what it would have been like for Jacob and his mother if Ashley had not become a Christian just 5 months earlier? What would the funeral service have been like? Do you think Ashley’s father would ever have become friends with Louie? Because of the Cross of Christ, there is hope. Ashley’s mom has hope of seeing her girl again in heaven. Jacob has hope of seeing his sister again in heaven. There is hope that one day Ashley’s atheist father will turn his heart to Christ, and he too will see his “princess” again.

Then I played the following song for everyone to listen to with their eyes closed.  As you read this I ask that you do what the kids did: Hear and see that in the potholes of life, when life hurts the most, God is there turning ashes into beauty, giving you hope.

Verse 1:
At the foot of the cross
Where grace and suffering meet
You have shown me Your love
Through the judgment You received
And You've won my heart
And You've won my heart
Now I can

Trade these ashes in for beauty
And wear forgiveness like a crown
Coming to kiss the feet of mercy
I lay every burden down
At the foot of the cross

Verse 2:
At the foot of the cross
Where I am made complete
You have given me life
Through the death you bore for me
And You've won my heart
And You've won my heart
Now I can

(Repeat Chorus twice, then instrumental)

And You've won my heart
And You've won my heart
Now I can
(Repeat twice Chorus)

I lay every burden down
I lay every burden down
At the foot of the cross
At the foot of the cross
At the foot of the cross

Then I gave each adult and youth a piece of wrapped candy.  Everyone was to eat the candy and think about what he or she could lay down at the foot of the cross.  When each person came up with something, he/she walked to the cross we had at the front of the room to "lay every burden down at the foot of the cross."

My question to those who read this blog... "What burden do you need to lay down at the foot of the cross?"

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