Mission Statement Making a difference in our community through Christian outreach in a fun and safe environment.

Purpose Statement Our primary purpose is to expand the knowledge of Christ among youth by setting a positive example and providing a safe place for recreation.

Vision Statement To be Washington's premier skatepark and recreational facility by providing each guest with a variety of activities in a friendly, affordable, Christian environment.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Party Recap

A little over a week ago, we celebrated the end of another year at M.A.D. Skates & Rec Center and shouted THANK YOU to our Lord, King, and Savior Jesus Christ!

We had 40 people in attendance. Activities included skateboarding, dinner, games, art and a lot of thanks to all the folks who make Skate & Rec Night happen each week as well as those who hide in the shadows and help out BIG TIME at our larger events.

Here are a few of the photos taken at the Christmas party.

Setting up the tables for dinner.
Lasagna, Garlic Bread,  Salads and Bacon Wrapped Weenies. Yum!
Now time for a little fishing...
With donuts!  Not pictured here is the winner RV.  Retaining his 2 time champion status. I'm hoping to get a video edited, so I can post it here.  Stay tuned.
Merry Christmas Rec Kids!
An anonymous donor gifted two goals and 8 hockey sticks! Looks like we'll be playing hockey in January!  The goals will also be used for soccer and other creative games.
 The always popular OREO CHALLENGE!
The couple that plays together, stays together. 
God bless you two: Justine & RV.
Caleb J. - Much better at skating than getting that Oreo into his mouth, but always the good sport, he gave it a hearty try.
 Dakota and Caleb trying to follow in Nikki's footsteps...
She's in the zone...                                               Getting close! 
Nikki was actually the second fastest at this game.
Jaxson attempts to snatch his Oreo out of the air!

The fastest no handed facial Oreo eater... MACY!
With her good friend Ella cheering her on, or is she laughing? :)

 Ricki just kept trying. An "A" for the effort Ricki. 

Always smiling, but this wasn't her game.  

Sock Wars was!  However in the end, the four remaining girls were unable to defeat the Sock Wars champion, Seth!
We're looking forward to seeing you all back here January 6th to begin a new year of learning about God while having a ton of fun. 

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