Mission Statement Making a difference in our community through Christian outreach in a fun and safe environment.

Purpose Statement Our primary purpose is to expand the knowledge of Christ among youth by setting a positive example and providing a safe place for recreation.

Vision Statement To be Washington's premier skatepark and recreational facility by providing each guest with a variety of activities in a friendly, affordable, Christian environment.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Kids Are Cooking - A HUGE SUCCESS!

The first ever MAD Skates Kids Are Cooking event went really well.  The only downside was that it took much longer to cook than we had anticipated, so we ran out of time for the Bible study.  Lesson learned, and we'll get it all in next time!

Bev, Gary and Brett were in the kitchen.  Jeremy and Melody ran the Skate & Rec area.  Jeff moved between the two places helping out where needed.

We had 8 kids in the kitchen helping out.  After some initial instruction and going through the routine one time, they caught on quickly! It was like a pancake and sausage factory in there.  Kids swapping between the dry ingredient station, the wet ingredient station, the electric griddles stations and the sausage station.  Seth definitely became the Sausage King and spent most of his time there.  Caleb L got the perfect pancakes on the griddle, while his brother Dakota seemed to have mastered the triangular/corner pancakes.  Ethan tried every station available and even helped wash up some utensils we needed to use for both dry and wet ingredients.  Ella, McKenna, and Kristen worked as a team the entire time and jumped from dry station, wet station and griddle many times.  We ended up making 5 batches of the recipe and by the end of the night all the pancakes had been eaten along with a tub of strawberries, a tub of grapes, and 40+ sausages a gallon of milk and a half gallon of OJ.  I don't think anyone went home hungry last night.

Special thanks to Tina Berry for dropping off the syrup even though her girls couldn't come.  Also, special thanks to Christine Brown for lending us her griddle, and to Nicole Cormier for giving me her griddle for last night and any future griddle needs.



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