Mission Statement Making a difference in our community through Christian outreach in a fun and safe environment.

Purpose Statement Our primary purpose is to expand the knowledge of Christ among youth by setting a positive example and providing a safe place for recreation.

Vision Statement To be Washington's premier skatepark and recreational facility by providing each guest with a variety of activities in a friendly, affordable, Christian environment.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bible Session This Week 3/17/2014 - Matthew 2

Matthew 2:1-2 (student read)

Question: Jesus was born where? Bethlehem

Question: Who was king at this time? Herod

Question: Who did the Magi/Wisemen say Jesus was? King of the Jews

Matthew 2:3-6 (student read)

Question: Herod and the people of Jerusalem were bothered by Jesus’ birth. Why? (Student response)

Question: The prophecy states out of Bethlehem will come a ruler who will be what to the people? A shepherd

Matthew 2:7-8 (student read)

Question: Herod figured out when and approximately where Jesus was born.  What did he tell the Magi to do? Find the child

Question: Why? So Herod could worship him

Matthew 2:9-12 (student read)

Question: The Magi find Jesus, give him gifts, worship him and leave.  They don’t tell Herod where Jesus is.  Why? Told in advance not to go back to Herod

Question: Should the Magi have obeyed the government or God? Student Response

Matthew 2:13-15 (student read)

*Again God speaks through a dream.  Again Joseph obeys.

Matthew 2:16-18 (student read)

*Unfortunately for everyone else who stayed in Bethlehem, Herod gets angry about the Magi not telling him where Jesus was and he orders the killing of all boys under 2 years old.

Question: How do you feel about this huge sacrifice of so many lives because of Jesus’ escapte? Student response.

Matthew 2:19-20 (student read)

*Herod is dead.  Joseph, Mary and Jesus can go back home.

Matthew 2:21-23 (student read)

*Again Joseph is warned in a dream, so they ended up in Nazareth not Bethlehem and fulfilled the prophecy that stated Jesus would be a Nazarene. 

Interesting Thoughts and Questions:

1 – Do you believe God still speaks to us today like He did during the time of Jesus birth?

2 – I’ve had a lot of conversations with various people over the years regarding whether or not God gives us something to do and then later changes our direction.  It seems this may be one of those times when God did.  Joseph was told to flea Bethlehem.  Then he was told to go back to Bethlehem.  But then he was told to go to Nazareth instead.

3 – What do you think would have been different if at any point people (ex. Magi/Joseph) in this story would not have obeyed God?  Student Responses

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