Mission Statement Making a difference in our community through Christian outreach in a fun and safe environment.

Purpose Statement Our primary purpose is to expand the knowledge of Christ among youth by setting a positive example and providing a safe place for recreation.

Vision Statement To be Washington's premier skatepark and recreational facility by providing each guest with a variety of activities in a friendly, affordable, Christian environment.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Bible Session Notes - August 29th

The Great Commission
Brett Elizabeth Spore
What does it mean to commission someone?  Or what is “commission?”
           The dictionary definition is to authorize or send on a mission.
In Matthew, Jesus commissioned his disciples to do what?
Matthew 28:19-20 - Go and make disciples, Baptize them, Teach them to obey God’s commands
This is called “The Great Commission” and it wasn’t just for Jesus’ time; it was for all of us “to the very end of the age.” Jesus says “here is what I want you to do,” and in vs. 29 he says, “I will be with you to the very end of the age.”
For most of you, school starts this week.  Do you want this to be another “so-so” year or do you want it to be an incredible year?  How many of you have friends at school who don’t know Jesus Christ?  Are you going to be the one who tells them about Jesus? 
Jesus says, “the harvest is plentiful but” what?
Matthew 9:37 - The workers are few

He goes on in verse 38 to say “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Are you the worker God is calling?

I love how Isaiah responds to God when God asks “Who should I send?”  What does Isaiah say?
Isaiah 6:8 - Here am I. Send me.

Our last verse to look up is John 20:21.
            It says: Peace be with you!  As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.
Jesus was sent by his Father, God.  He then sent his disciples just as God had sent him.  Now Jesus wants to send you to be a worker in his harvest field.  Are you willing to be like Isaiah and say “Here am I.  Send me?”
Everyone stand while I read this from Numbers 6:24-26.  This is my blessing upon you this school year…
The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make his face shine upon you
       And be gracious to you;
The Lord turn his face toward you
       And give you peace.

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